The Road Not Taken Answers Key

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Robert Frost had once said that this poem is very tricky. Where does the traveller find himself? What problem does he face? Answer: The traveller finds himself at a place where he sees a road diverging into two paths in front of him. He faces the...

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You’re Probably Misreading Robert Frost’s Most Famous Poem

Answer: The difference between the two roads is that one road is less travelled and full of challenges while the other is beaten track without any difficulty. Which road does the poet choose? Does he regret his decision? Answer: The poet chooses the road which is less used by people. It is full of challenges and, therefore, more inviting for the poet because he is adventurous by nature. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? Answer: The rhyme scheme of the poem is abaab. Explain the following phrases: a a yellow wood. Answer: It means a type of forest; the trees of which has yellow leaves turned due to the autumn season. Answer: It means turned black by heavy stepping over them. What is s a metaphor and which metaphor has been used for choices we make in life? Answer: Metaphor is a figure of speech in which comparison is made between two unlike things indirectly, categorizing them as identical. In other words, it is a literary device which makes an implied or hidden or indirect comparison between two objects or things that are different but have something common.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9: The Road Not Taken

Examples: 1. A scholar fond of the world is a donkey loaded with books. His mind is an ocean. He is a tiger. Read the poem carefully, then describe the two roads and explain whether or not they are very different from one another. The roads are not very different from one another. Was the speaker at all interested in taking the road he did not end up choosing? Answers may vary. Example: The speaker will sigh because he was forced by circumstance to choose one road over another; he regrets it now and will always regret not being able to take both. The poem often misread as inspirational verse, is about the fact that each choice made entails leaving another choice behind.

Explore how Frost presents decisions in ‘The Road Not Taken’.

He may wonder what difference the road not taken would have made in his life had he chosen it instead. How would you describe the tone of this poem? Example: The tone is one of resignation and an awareness of the possibility of regret.

The Road Not Taken Poem By Robert Frost Quiz!

Ever since infancy I have had the habit of leaving my blocks carts chairs and such like ordinaries where people would be pretty sure to fall forward over them in the dark. Forward, you understand, and in the dark. Frost responds in a letter the date is unclear to ask Thomas for further comment on the poem, hoping to hear that Thomas understood that it was at least in part addressing his own behavior.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Poem Chapter 1 The Road Not Taken

A tap would have settled my poem. There is no evidence that Frost ever contemplated doing so, in agony or otherwise. Or is it? Precisely who is not doing the taking? Frost wanted readers to ask the questions Richardson asks. More than that, he wanted to juxtapose two visions—two possible poems, you might say—at the very beginning of his lyric. These two potential poems revolve around each other, separating and overlapping like clouds in a way that leaves neither reading perfectly visible. But if you think of the poem not as stating various viewpoints but rather as performing them, setting them beside and against one another, then a very different reading emerges.

The Road Not Taken Stanza 1

What is fallacious in an argument can be mesmerizing in a poem. The title itself is a small but potent engine that drives us first toward one untaken road and then immediately back to the other, producing a vision in which we appear somehow on both roads, or neither. This is true even of its first line. Primarily two things. The act of choosing may be solitary, but the context in which it occurs is not. And why does Frost think that difference worth preserving? If he were, it would make more sense to use the modified version above.

The poem “The Road Not Taken” is set during a walk in …

This reading of the poem is subtly different from, and bolder than, the idea that existence is merely subject to the need to make decisions. Having sketched the speaker and his potential choice in all their entangled ambiguity, he undermines the idea that there is really a choice to be made at all: Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. First, why is the physical appearance of the roads mentioned in the first place? We typically worry more about where roads go than what they look like. Why not talk about how one road was sunnier or wider or stonier or steeper? So if the idea was to suggest that the speaker wants to perceive his chosen road as not just lonely, but demanding, why not make a more direct statement that would lead to a more direct conclusion, like: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one that dared me to try.

-1062013 Bagrut Module D Answers to The Road Not Taken

I took the lonelier road that day, And knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one that dared me to try, And that has made all the difference. It would have been easy for Frost to write this poem. Frost had a barbed, nimble wit, and he would have had no trouble skewering romantic dithering more pointedly if that was all he had in mind. And whichever one I took that day Would lead itself to the other way And send me forward to take me back. Still, I shall be claiming with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one on the left-hand side, And that has made all the difference.

Summary and Question-Answers of The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

But why would it? Recall the final stanza: I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. There is a sense that, like Thomas Hardy, Frost sometimes saw himself as more allied with the impersonal forces often depicted in his poems than with the human characters those forces so frequently overwhelm.


He was much bolder in this regard than almost all of his modernist peers. It keeps us in the woods, at the crossroads, unsure whether the speaker is actually even making a choice, and then ends not with the decision itself but with a claim about the future that seems unreliable. The conclusion of the poem is a protest against conclusions—an argument, you might say, for delay. After all, a stubborn sensibility also delays. A playful sensibility delays. Here is Frost from an interview with The Paris Review in , talking about the act of writing: The whole thing is performance and prowess and feats of association. Yes, these stanzas are about the hunger for sensation. Not just more touch, but more time. What is the difference between the stories we tell about ourselves and the actuality of our inner lives?

The Road Not Taken Answers Key

He hesitates like a candle flame wavers: hot but fragile, already wrapped in the smoke that will signal its extinction. The difference between them is one of attitude and degree. He wants the ball to pass through the hoop, only to return to his hands, because for Frost the process—the continuation, the endless creation of endless roads—is everything. And this understanding lets him create his own version of romantic yearning. But it has a road, and the consequences of that road.

The Road Not Taken Poem Summary and Analysis | LitCharts

These in turn give way to a scene of homecoming that hovers somewhere between parody and pathos: Then make yourself at home. Weep for what little things could make them glad. Then for the house that is no more a house, But only a belilaced cellar hole, Now slowly closing like a dent in dough. This was no playhouse but a house in earnest. Here are your waters and your watering place. Drink and be whole again beyond confusion. This is to be expected. There I rest my case. Reading it, you feel that if John Ashbery were to write a Robert Frost poem, this is what it would sound like. Both poems rely on the image of an unreliable road that is imperfectly understood by its traveler. For Frost, these lines were equally applicable to poetry, which some people would simply never understand, and which even good readers needed to approach in the right way. A poem, then, becomes a way to separate an audience into factions.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 7 – The Road Not Taken

Answer: The poet was standing before the two roads. He had to decide which one would lead him to success. It was not easy for him to decide. So he stood there and introspected. Out the two options, he had to choose the one. Of course, it was not an easy choice. Question 2. Answer: The poet opined that both the roads were same.

The Road Not Taken | Printable Robert Frost Reading Activity

They were equally travelled and there was no difference between them. So he got confused. It was difficult to decide which road would be more convenient and comfortable. He wanted to choose the one that would take him to his intended destination. Question 3. What do the roads represent? Answer: The roads represent the problem of decision-making. Human beings suffer because of their choices and decisions.

Robert Frost- "The Road Not Taken" | Poetry - Quizizz

They find themselves in such situations at every step in their lives. Out of the available options, they have to choose the one that may take them to their destination. The choice decides the outcome in life. Question 4. Did the poet take his decision haphazardly? Answer: No, he speculated and brooded over the situation. He took this decision after a lot of contemplation. He did not take this decision haphazardly. No doubt, he was a bit confused. After all, it was not quite easy to make the right choice.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Poem - The Road Not Taken

But he exercised his option after much contemplation. Question 5. Why did the poet choose that road? Answer: The poet chose that road because it was less travelled. He wanted to do those activities which had not been done by anyone earlier. Avoiding the popular rat-race, he opted for the option that broke fresh grounds. Question 6. What is the message of the poem? Answer: The message of the poem is to make people aware of their analytical skills. The poet wishes to say that choices should be made carefully and thoughtfully. One should behave responsibly because life does not offer multiple chances every now and then. Question 7. Did the poet make the right choice? Answer: It is not easy to say whether the poet made the right choice or not.

The Road Not Taken Extra Questions and Answers Class 9 English Beehive – Learn Cram

It is possible that he may repent for making such a choice. He avoided the popular and off-beaten path of life. He dared to choose the path which was less frequented used by the people. This bold decision might bring all the difference in his life. Question 8. Answer: The poet had to choose one of the two roads. He left the one which was a popular choice. It invited the people to walk on it. Question 9. Describe the conditions of both the roads that lay open before the poet on that morning. Answer: In the yellow autumnal wood, two roads diverged into two directions. Both of them were covered with the fallen leaves. In the morning, both of them were still untouched. The steps of travellers have not blackened them. One was frequently used by the travellers. The other one was not a popular choice.

The Road Not Taken- Extract Based comprehension test Questions

It seemed to invite people to walk on it. Question Was the poet certain to come back on the road he had left for another day? Answer: Life and its ways are complex and confusing. One roads leads to another. In this web, one has to make a choice. The poet left the one road and hope that he would use it on another day. But he was quite doubtful. It often happens that the road that is left once, is left forever. Rarely do we come on to that road again. How does the outcome of our life depends on the choice we make to reach our destinations? Answer: Life is full of complexities. It provides us with different choices and options. The choice is never easy.

Robert Frost "The Road Not Taken"

Our success or failure depends on the choice that we make. Mostly people choose the most popular or frequented paths of life. But some bold and adventurous people take risks and choose the less frequented paths and ways of life. Answer: In this poem, the poet comes to a fork in the road where it is diversified into paths, and he must decide which path to follow.

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Lesson

The woods in this poem symbolize the difficulty of seeing into the future. The poet must make a choice based on limited information, since much of what he might like to see is not clear. The poet will have to rely on faith and intuition as he makes his choice, as we often must do in life. Life is like a maze. According to the poem, how does the poet feel about his or her decision in the end? Answer: The speaker of this poem is Robert Frost himself. He is thinking about a career decision he made many years ago. He had to make a choice between seeking a secure profession which would enable him to live in comfort or to devote him to poetry and live a simple life close to nature. Frost chose to devote his life to his poetry. The poet does not appear to regret the choice he made, but he sounds wistful in the last as if he wishes he knew what his alternate life would have been like if he had taken the other road. Life and its ways never woven in a straight line.

Extra Questions Answers - The Road Not Taken Class 9 Notes | EduRev

Life provides many options. The web of life consists of many paths and sub-ways. Naturally, these complexities of life confuse a person. Out of many options and alternatives, he has to make a choice. Only a judicious choice make us reach our destination. Most of people choose the least risky and off-tradden ways of life. Only a few persons like the poet dare to chose a different path of like. They are bold enough to face risks and challenges in life. One has to make a choice. His success or failure in life depends on his choice. The poet chose a different path. Popular fame and fortune are sacrificed in favour of art, literature and poetry. Nobody knows what he would have gained had he followed the least risky and safe path of life. How does one way lead on to another?

What do the two roads symbolize in the poem 'The Road Not Taken'? - Studyrankersonline

The Road not Taken Enotes also include title, characters, the road not taken summary in English, Summary in Hindi, the road not taken short summary, You will find the road not taken figures of speech, Word meanings, the road not taken essay, Complete poem in Hindi, Extracts, Long answers, Short answers, Very short Answers, MCQs and much more. The Road not Taken analysis pdf is also available. Get into The Road not Taken pdf for free. What did the speaker do while standing for a long time? He also regrets the fact that he cannot come back to the start once he makes a choice. Although they had been worn out equally, that morning both lay untrodden. What do the roads represent in these lines? Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. It was evident from the fact that the fallen and sodden leaves lay uncrushed there.

The Road Not Taken - Vocabulary List :

No feet had trampled them. The fact that he had taken the road less frequented by people. His dissatisfaction with his decision also might make him sigh. Had he chosen the other road life would have been different? What will the speaker be telling with a sigh? The speaker will be telling about his decision to travel by the less travelled road, which has made all the difference in his life. They may assume whatever suits them after making a choice. Want to Read More Check Below

The Road Not Taken Stanza 1 | Shmoop

Answer: Leaves no step had trodden black: When leaves are crushed under feet, they turn black. The poet finds fresh leaves on the road. These were not turned black as nobody had crushed them. It implies that the road was not taken by many travellers. Question 2. Answer: How way leads on the way: It implies that once we choose a path, it leads us to our destination. As one moves, one road leads to another and life goes on. It is difficult to come back to the point of beginning. Question 3. There are so many options before us but we are faced with the problem of right choice. Question 4. Both led to his destination. He had to make a choice between the two. Question 5. Which of the two roads did the poet choose and why? Answer: The poet had to choose one road out of the two similar-looking roads. He chose the second road which was not taken yet. He wanted to do something different, so he chose the less travelled road.

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