Correctional Officer Written Exam Practice Test

[FREE] Correctional Officer Written Exam Practice Test

Before taking the exam and submitting an application, you must meet certain requirements. If you meet all of the requirements you can then start to prepare for the exam. Our packs were custom-made to make it feel like you are taking the actual exam....

Files related to Correctional Officer Written Exam Practice Test

Probation Officer Assessment Test

The Department of Civil Service administers the exam for those interested in becoming a correctional officer. The correctional officer exam is the same as the detention officer test. This is the most crucial phase of the correctional officer hiring procedure, as the results of the Corrections Officer Test directly determine whether or not you will proceed in the employment process. How to become a Corrections Officer The corrections exam is just one part of the process of becoming a corrections officer.

Tips on Passing the Correctional Officer Psych Evaluation

Before taking the exam and submitting an application, you must meet certain requirements. If you meet all of the requirements you can then start to prepare for the exam. Our packs were custom-made to make it feel like you are taking the actual exam. We prepare you by providing test content and structure so that you can become familiar with the exam. Our Correction Officer Premium Practice Pack gives you the tools to succeed on the correction officer test. Related Links.

Correctional Officer Written Test Prep

Testing takes approximately 2 hours. Candidates do not have to have experience in order to do well. They will watch a video segment and then choose the BEST course of action in a multiple-choice format. This test is presented on computer or video and the items play without stopping. Candidates have 10 seconds to answer each question. All information that may be needed to answer a question is provided in the test. REACT is not designed to be a test of policy or technical components and candidates are asked to only know what is stated during the video. REACT Reading Test This test is designed specifically for correctional officers, a job requiring ongoing study of difficult and technical materials.

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This test is based on typical training materials. Some words are left blank. Candidates are required to choose a word that best fits in the blank. Candidates are given 15 minutes to complete this test. This test is presented on computer and the items play without stopping. The Incident Observation and Report Writing Test This test shows situations on video and asks the applicant to write a brief report, which is evaluated on content, organization and basic writing skills. This site allows you to interactively review seven example video test items with a discussion of the possible answer choices.

Corrections Officer Test

Eligibility and Hiring Process Requirements to be hired as a correctional officer: Physical fitness: most agencies seek to hire candidates that are physically fit and have the capability of working under environments that are stressful. To ensure this, many agencies give candidates a series of physical assessments such as runs, sprints, flexibility tests, sit-ups, pushups, among others. Training requirements: agree to attend a comprehensive training academy. Such training may span a couple of weeks or months, along with rigorous courses and physical conditioning. Recruits will then sit a practical exam and training on how to use firearms, which they must pass. Successful applicants to the Federal Bureau of Prisons must complete a hour training course.

Written Examination

Cognitive requirements: recruits must be a United States citizen and at least 18 years old. According to the United States Bureau of Prisons, recruits must be less than 37 years old. Normal hearing and vision, with or without correction, is also a requirement. Recruits are expected to complete a written test for basic skills to join the corrections department, math, writing, and reading at the high school level. Psychological requirements: as a correctional officer, you must master the use of firearms. To be authorized to carry and use firearms, candidates are required to pass a psychological assessment before joining the academy for training. A background check is administered to make sure the candidate has never been convicted with a felony, which would lead to the prohibition to use and own a firearm. If allowed to use firearms, recruits are expected to demonstrate proficiency using both pistols and long-range firearms.

Sample Correctional Officer Pre-Employment Test Questions

Each test will provide you a random set of questions from a large pool of questions. This will make it so that each time you take the test, you will be presented with a different group of questions in a different order. Any police exam study guide will tell you that the key to making something easier is repetition. In order to grab the context of the police written test, you must take many police test questions for practice. This will reduce your anxiety, and make you feel comfortable during the actual test. Look for various police exam questions and take them. The test I am taking I am told is 3 hours long,I did well on this test only missing 1 out 13,off the top of my head. But every1 else is correct in that it needs many more questions.

Pass the Correction Officer Exam in 2021: Study Guide and Practice Test

Police Written Exam Practice. There are known issues with Internet Explorer and Safari. Other browsers are untested at this time. Practice tests do not run on mobile devices. Sample Question. There are multiple streaming video items in this practice test. Police Practice Test - Police Exam Practice Test Believe it or not, the top candidates to be police officers aren't usually the ones who actually get the position. Due to getting average test scores on the selection test, numerous individuals are rejected who would make the best officers. Relieve that stress and test anxiety with our free practice tests. Our practice tests are developed to help you pass. Paprota, Ed. If you need to complete online reasoning tests as a part of selection process and you would like to undertake some practice beforehand then you came to the right page. Below we provide you with free aptitude practice tests that mimic the latest tests used by major graduate employers.

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If you live in China and ready to cruise the roads in your car, this free China Car permit practice test is the perfect way to prepare for your exam. Every practice test question on DrivingTests Further Tests practice. We offer many other free psychometric tips and practice tests. Firstly, Aptitude test tips and aptitude test practice. Secondly, Numeracy test practice. Thirdly, Literacy test practice. And next, Verbal Reasoning test practice; Then next, Situational judgement test practice. Plus, Passing situational judgment tests. So, if you want to become a Dispatcher, then you must go through the qualification process, which ultimately includes a written test.

Correctional Officer Pre-Employment Test Questions

ALTA Language Services is the leader in language testing for government agencies, healthcare organizations, and businesses nationwide. To help you achieve that practice, we have created 15 practice tests and a G1 Test Simulator. From this year Written exam of Maharashtra Police Bharti will be conducted before physical test. So if Written exam conducted before physical test, there will high competition for this Bharti. Free Practice Aptitude Tests. Take our. All tests have 10 questions and a strict time limit. Once you have completed a test you will be able to check your answers and read a full Prior to the beginning of the test, a proctor will give concise instructions regarding the examination.

Correctional Officer Test

A passing score of is required to proceed in the hiring process. Those individuals scoring below an 86 will be disqualified from proceeding further into the hiring process. All tests have step by step answer explanations so you know how to answer in your real test. You get tests scores in comparison to others' performance. Employed for less than 24 of the past 36 months post academy experience , as a full-time, paid Police Officer, Deputy Sheriff, Tribal Officer or State Trooper who possess full police powers and duties. Applicants must take and pass the City of Seattle civil service test for police officers. There are two major sectors of the police staff: police officers and non-officers. Recruitment for both departments involves aptitude tests the Initial Selection Test and interviews.

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Scotland Police. Police of Scotland run their own recruitment process for new police officers, which differs from that of the College of Policing. If you're a prospective police officer who needs to take the written exam, Police Officer Exam For Dummies gives you all the essential test preparation you need to succeed. Packed with study advice and test-taking tips, you Try a free sample test in each of the GED subjects. Our online exams are a quarter the length of the actual GED and will give you a sense of what to expect on test day. For the best experience, please use a laptop or desktop computer. Version: mccann. Many persons have never taken a Police Officer entrance test or may have taken a different one. You would blacken the oval labeled B on your answer sheet as shown in the example below. A C D E The fourth section of the test requires the test taker to answer questions in complete sentences. The sentences must contain the correct information, be The written exam tests the general knowledge and basic skills of the applicants.

Prison Officer Tests

Skills, that you are not going to develop from this point on in the police academy. Therefore, the better the results, the better the impression a candidate makes. Police exams assess the most important cognitive abilities necessary for success in entry-level police officer jobs. The subjects and sections of your particular state or local police entrance exam are included on the job listing for that specific position. Please select your exam state below to continue. Therefore, we are extending the testing over multiple days. The Statewide Firefighter exam will now be given on January 11 th and 12 th. The Statewide Police Officer exam will be given on January 13 th, and 14 th. All accepted applicants will be notified of the exact date, place, and time of their test at least 5 days prior to the exam.

Correctional Officer Practice Test Questions

As a standard practice in the recruitment drive, dope test is the first step. Anyone failing the test testing positive is not allowed to undergo measurments and physical fitness tests scheduled same day at all centres. The government is getting the tests during the entire recruitment process videographed. Visit us for the Police Administration - Wilson exam, test questions, study guide and flashcards. It would also be suitable for an upper-management exam for a small or medium agency. Most written examinations are composed of multiple-choice questions with answer choices. All examinations are administered within a 3-hour time limit. For most applicants that is plenty of time to finish the test. Some job classes require a typing or keyboard performance test in addition to the written exam.

Corrections Practice Test Questions (Prep for Corrections Test)

Combustion of liquid octane balanced equation When you feel that you are well prepared, move on to Part III—the exams. They are sample police examinations and practice exams that were created using questions that have appeared on police exams over the years. July 26th, About the Exam. For many, the exam is one of the most daunting parts of police training. Below, we've put together a sample police written exam practice test. That said, with enough preparation, there is no reason why you can't ace this part of the test. Prepare for the Motorcycle License Written Test. The Arkansas DMV requires that all applicants must pass a written exam on traffic signs, motor vehicle laws and safe driving techniques. If you fail the exam, some states require you to wait until at least until the next day to take the test again and charge a re-examination fee.

Tips on Passing the Correctional Officer Psych Evaluation | Work -

Houston police department uses the National Police Selection Test standards as their primary screening tool to identify quality candidates. PERI offers the latest in text materials and training techniques. Police Written Exam Test Sections - The hiring process to become a police officer in the United States varies depending on the type of agency, state, county, and other factors. A written exam is one common way that departments determine whether a candidate's skills are a good fit for the job.

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General News; Learning Center News; Descenders super ultra mega park seed Dog breeders puppies for sale table saw power cord Blutonium extreme reactors With Norman Hall's Police Exam Preparation Book, 2nd Edition, you'll have everything you need to ace the test, including answer keys and self-scoring tables, pointers on avoiding common trouble spots, tips for meeting the physical requirements, the most up-to-date test-taking strategies, 7 practice tests, and 3 full-length police officer exams. Java program for calculating monthly interest Test takers do not need any special background knowledge to correctly answer the questions in the Reading section; all the information needed to answer the questions is contained in the passages. Test takers must read through or scroll to the end of each passage before receiving questions on that passage. It is essential that you create a written report that is concise, free from errors and that solves the problem that is presented to you.

Probation Officer Exam Preparation 2021

Police Exam Questions. Police Test Study Guide has put together the most comprehensive range of police exam questions and full-length practice tests that prepare you for the needs and demands of the police test. Mitsubishi d tractor reviews.

Prison Officer Online Tests: Free Practice Questions ()

Investigation Interview Techniques Many states have their own set of requirements for those seeking a job as a correctional officer. However, the basic criteria is that you have a high school diploma or GED, possess a valid driver's license, and are a U. Some states may require college coursework in the behavioral or social sciences, and in some states, you must be 21 years of age, although 18 is the standard age requirement. Testing to Become a Correctional Officer If you meet the basic requirements in your state, you will then go through a series of tests in order to become a correctional officer.

Correctional Officer Test |

A written test is administered, which analyzes a candidate's written skills and mental acuity, and a physical exam gauges endurance and stamina. If a candidate meets the minimum requirements for employment and passes all written and physical exams, the next step is a background investigation; a medical examination including a vision and hearing test ; a urinalysis drug screening ; and a psychological evaluation. The psych screening for a job as a correctional officer is designed to rule out significant mental disturbance or personality disorders that would be incompatible with the job. It's not intended to be an in-depth probe of the deepest reaches of your psyche. According to a column by Dr. Typically, the test has an interview component, as well as written questions. You can't really study for a psych evaluation, but here are some ideas that may help you perform your best on this test. Tips for Taking the Psychological Evaluation Be consistent: One red flag when taking the test is to answer a question one way, then answering a similar question differently.

Corrections Officer Practice Tests Plus+

If you just tell the truth and be yourself, most likely you won't have this problem. Inconsistent answers are usually a result of trying to overthink the "correct" answer. Don't try to be perfect: Again, honesty is the best policy with this sort of evaluation. If you say you've never told a lie or had an alcoholic drink, it seems as if you're being disingenuous. Again, don't try to determine the "correct" answers just answer honestly. Aggressive behavior is a red flag: If you have issues with anger and aggression, you may have difficulty passing the pysch evaluation.

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It's likely that any incidents in your past will show up in the background check. If this happens, it's best to be honest about the incidents and to explain how you've matured since that time. If you have trouble controlling your temper, it would be a good idea to get anger management training and counseling before you apply for a position as a correctional officer. Don't try to guess the right answers: Again, be yourself and answer the questions honestly. If you try to imagine how a correctional officer would answer the questions, you're going to trip up, and it's likely that your answers may be inconsistent or that they just don't ring true. Really, there's no way to game a psychological evaluation. Be honest about yourself and answer all questions to the best of your ability. References Police One: How to pass your police pre-employment psych screening without going nuts Writer Bio Heather Skyler is a journalist and novelist who has written for wide variety of publications, including Newsweek.

Adult Corrections Officer Testing using REACT | National Testing Network

Eligibility and Hiring Process Requirements to be hired as a correctional officer: Physical fitness: most agencies seek to hire candidates that are physically fit and have the capability of working under environments that are stressful. To ensure this, many agencies give candidates a series of physical assessments such as runs, sprints, flexibility tests, sit-ups, pushups, among others. Training requirements: agree to attend a comprehensive training academy.

Police / Corrections Academy Study Guides

Such training may span a couple of weeks or months, along with rigorous courses and physical conditioning. Recruits will then sit a practical exam and training on how to use firearms, which they must pass. Successful applicants to the Federal Bureau of Prisons must complete a hour training course. Cognitive requirements: recruits must be a United States citizen and at least 18 years old. According to the United States Bureau of Prisons, recruits must be less than 37 years old.

Corrections Officer Test Prep

Normal hearing and vision, with or without correction, is also a requirement. Recruits are expected to complete a written test for basic skills to join the corrections department, math, writing, and reading at the high school level. Psychological requirements: as a correctional officer, you must master the use of firearms. To be authorized to carry and use firearms, candidates are required to pass a psychological assessment before joining the academy for training. A background check is administered to make sure the candidate has never been convicted with a felony, which would lead to the prohibition to use and own a firearm. If allowed to use firearms, recruits are expected to demonstrate proficiency using both pistols and long-range firearms.

Correction Officer Exam Preparation – Practice Tests & Tips - JobTestPrep

Section 3- Career Specific Aptitude In what facilities are persons convicted of terrorism commonly incarcerated? Officer Penrose-Smith, a male facility staff at a women's correctional institution, found himself infatuated with Inmate Hannibal. He then confided in Officer Grundy, a male colleague, who reported the matter to the facility director later tha day. A controversial investigation ensued, and the outcome would involve the forced resignation of the facility director due to wrongfully terminating Officer Penrose-Smith.

Correctional Officer Practice Test Results

What might have happened in the process? The annual pay is divided into 52 weeks that make up a year. What is the present occupancy rate of a bed facility that only has inmates booked? The number of present inmate booked is divided by the maximum bed count of What is the officer-to-inmate ratio of a facility with inmates and one-third as many officers? The inmate population is divided by three. How many seconds will it take to get a seriously injured inmate to a medical center if the distance between the two points is 48 miles, assuming that the transport vehicle runs at a constant speed of 32mph and does not experience traffic or any delays? Divide the distance by constant speed to get 1. Divide the answer by 60 minutes in an hour , then by 60 seconds in a minute. Remember that the question is seeking an answer expressed in seconds. Divide the answer by 4 to get the quarterly budget.

Department for Correctional Services

The word is not used as a verb but as a participle. Examples in this regard include: are required to, is used to, are driven to, and is headed for. Except for Choice C, which is grammatically correct but does not fit the sentence, the two other answers are grammatically wrong. Although Choices A and C are words found in the dictionary, these do not describe the effects of delivering substandard service. Meanwhile, B is not a word. Choices B and C should not be confused with the possessive noun, their, a homonym. Choice D is a contraction of words in the clause, there is. Choices B, C, and D do not fit the context. Choices B and C are outright ridiculous. Meanwhile, the passage implies that Choice A is an unlawful reason to use physical restraints.

Correction Officer Exam Pass Free Practice Test

What is not required by federal and state laws on the use of physical restraints? Choices B, C, and D are mentioned in the passage as requirements on the use of physical restraints. In what situation are physical restraints permitted to be used on an inmate? Choices A, B, and C are obvious distracting questions. Identify another situation where physical restraints are permitted to be used on an inmate. Choices A and B do not pose a threat to the safety of others and are, therefore, not the correct answer. And while Choice C implies an inmate's threat to the safety and wellbeing of oneself, it certainly does not necessitate the use of any type of physical restraint to address the issue. Officers must be good team players. What is true of a cell extraction?

Written Examination - Peace Officer Careers

Choices A and C are obvious distracters. And while Choice C may be applicable in reality, the situation it describes does not appear or is not implied in the passage. What is not true of a cell extraction? The passage supports Choices A, B, and C. Choice D may be true of a cell extraction and applicable in reality, but nowhere in the passage is it mentioned or implied. What topic is not relevant in cell-extraction training? Reading Comprehension- Passage 3 One morning, an inmate reports that his roommate is suffering from symptoms of chicken pox. Which unit must be informed first-hand? In the passage, Correctional Facility JKL's policy states that the corrections officer assigned to supervise inmates must inform the in-house medical staff right away. One evening, four inmates convicted of terrorism forcibly take a corrections officer into their shared cell.

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They threaten to maul the corrections officer to death if their demands are not met by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency within twelve hours. In the passage, Correctional Facility JKL's policy states that any facility staff who learns about or witnesses a hostage situation must immediately report the matter to the facility's emergency response team. The passage does not support Choices A, C, and D. Basic Skills Communication and Interpersonal In writing an incident report, what critical information must be present at all times? Choices A and C are not required to be indicated at all times, which invalidates Choice D. Why is it necessary for corrections officers to sign incident reports?

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